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GLMS' April 2021 Newsletter

GLMS' April 2021 Newsletter

Message from the President

Dear all,


Welcome to our monthly newsletter with updates from our activities in April, as well as some key policy updates!


In operations, as we approach the end of some European League competitions, we have been working hard in the run up to an exciting sporting summer, dealing with a sporting season of an unusual nature still in the of a mid-pandemic, keeping a track of suspicious patterns and working with members and partners to qualify suspicious odds movements or to raise an alert where needed.


We have also been introducing Sport Integrity to North American lottery organizations, as we are keenly aware of the many regulatory changes happening in that region with regard to sports betting.


If you have not already done so, enjoy our first quarterly monitoring and intelligence report of 2021 and take a look at how our member lotteries and associate members have been managing in the last few months!


Stay strong  and have a great May


Yours in Integrity,


Ludovico Calvi


GLMS President


For the latest updates:










GLMS publishes its first quarterly monitoring and intelligence report of 2021


GLMS has published its first quarterly monitoring and intelligence report, covering highlights, monitoring and analysis activities between January and March 2021.


The highlights show main activities by GLMS, partner projects and members' activities (including European Lotteries, World Lottery Association, Danske Spil, Loto Québec, Veikkaus, Nederlandse Loterij, Szerencséjàtek Zrt, Scientific Games, IGT, Intralot, Sporting Solutions, Integrisport and Integriball), as well as key monitoring updates.




Among other information,323 green, yellow and red alerts, as well as other types of notifications were sent to members, with evolving team related news being the biggest trigger for the alerts. 8 sports and 23 matches were sent to our partners and members, while 20 analysis reports were prepared directly or upon request.


Access the report here <>


GLMS participates in NASPL online event


GLMS President Ludovico Calvi, together with Legal and Projects Manager, Cassandra Fernandes, last month delivered an education session on sports betting integrity at the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries (NASPL) <>.


In a climate of increasingly legalized sports betting, it is vital to understand the importance of protecting the integrity of sports betting-related activities. This includes protecting the integrity of sports competitions themselves, as well as the integrity of business endeavors involved in offering sports betting.




Topics of discussion by Ludovico and Cassandra included an overview of sports manipulations with regard to sports betting, as well as the American market and international trends. The most significant conclusion was the importance of education and awareness.


Access here <>


GLMS Operational Update


21 matches alerted to Partners in April

The GLMS team distributed alerts on 21 matches to Partners over the month of September. Other than that, 4 detailed integrity reports were developed upon request of members and partners.


For further information on the GLMS monitoring work, please contact us <mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.?subject=Question%20on%20monitoring%20from%20xxx>.


GLMS Members: The monthly detailed monitoring report and policy update is being sent to your inboxes! Please Contact us if you have any issues!




European Lotteries and GLMS emphasize commitment to sports integrity on EUSPORTSINTEGRITY Day


This EU Sport Integrity Day (15 April 2021), EL and GLMS emphasized their commitment to working to protect sport integrity in Europe, through education activities, policy actions and intelligence analysis.


'' Today on EU Sport Integrity Day, EL emphasises the importance in the fight against match-fixing, particularly during a global pandemic when there are heightened betting corruption and financial risks. Looking ahead there is a need for increased vigilant monitoring and closer cooperation with the law enforcement and sports sectors to safeguard sport integrity and fight against match-fixing. ” - Arjan van ‘t Veer, EL Secretary General


GLMS is proud to be contributing to the protection of sport integrity in the EU, supporting its EU member lotteries and associate members and partners, together with our co-founding collective member, The European Lotteries .


We also contribute to the enhancement of capacity to fight sports manipulations and matchfixing in the EU, sharing ideas at EU Expert Groups and partnering with ERASMUS Plus projects, such as Integrisport <>and Integriball <>, training law enforcement, judiciary as well as athletes and technical staff on understanding the threat and tackling it effectively by better cooperating nationally and transnationally.


Together, we can take a massive step forward in keeping sport clean!




Read more here <>


Moroccan lottery CEO speaks at  EASG event on combating match-fixing


GLMS Executive committee member & Moroccan lottery (MDJS) CEO Younes El Mechrafi <> was a panelist at a webinar entitled 'Match-fixing and Integrity'. organized by the European Association of the Study of Gambling last month.


The event started with a documentary produced by FixingFilms and continued with the panel that included Severin Moritzer from Play Fair Code, Austria, Jean-François Reymond from Fixing Films, France and was moderated by Philippe Vlaemminck, Partner at Pharumlegal, Belgium.




The European Association for the Study of Gambling (EASG) aims to increase the level of dialogue between its members representing various aspects of gambling. The association provides a forum for the systematic study, discussion and dissemination of knowledge about all matters relating to the study of gambling in Europe.


Read more here <>


Scientific Games Expands Digital Lottery Footprint in Hungary


GLMS association member Scientific Games expanded its digital lottery footprint with more instant e-games being launched in Hungary, with individual Hungarian member , Szerencsejáték Zrt.


Szerencsejáték Zrt. is one of Europe’s fastest growing Lotteries, with digital sales increasing 58% from 2018 to 2020 through collaboration with Scientific Games, and combined retail and digital sales increasing 17% from 2018 to 2020. Scientific Games also provides the Lottery with a sports betting program, central gaming system and retail technology.


Both GLMS members are extremely active in their sport integrity actions as well, from education to monitoring and analysis.


Read more here <>




Single-Sports Betting in Canada Wins House Vote, Nears Legalization


Canada - Bill C-218, seeking to amend the Criminal Code to give provinces and territories permission to regulate online and in-person bets on the outcome of individual sports events, will advance to Canada’s Senate, following a third debate and vote in the House of Commons.


A recent report by Deloitte Canada suggests that within five years of legalization, Canadian sports betting could grow from $500 million to nearly $28 billion in legal-market wagering.


Such an evolution will have an impact on the landscape with regard to sports integrity, including for GLMS members Loto Québec and OLG. Stay tuned.


Read more here <>




GLMS is a proud partner of a number of relevant projects in the field of sport integrity


Integrisport Next <> is a second phase project run by CSCF Foundation for Sport Integrity, with GLMS as a partner, following on from Integrisport and will run from Jan 2021 until Dec 2022, involving law enforcement and judiciary from Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Malta and Sweden-. The project is currently in the fact-finding phase.


Integriball <> is currently engaging in train the trainers with education seminars on anti-match-fixing for youth and women football players across the football federations of Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Malta and Cyprus. The presentatinos were prepared with the federations, experts and GLMS.


KCOOS+ <> is implementing the tools developed within the framework of the Network of National Platforms (Group of Copenhagen - the Global football alerts analysis workshop will assess its results on 12 February 2021.


GLMS has been contributing to the desk development of all projects and also has some interesting new prospects in the pipeline!


Macolin Convention


The second follow up committee meeting of the Macolin Convention (the statutory Committee of the Convention) will take place on 23-24 June 2021 online.






Sports Policy Updates


Feel free to share any news you find relevant for the sport integrity network!


Sports Integrity News:


EUROPOL publishes the EUROPEAN UNION SERIOUS AND ORGANISED CRIME THREAT ASSESSMENT, which is the outcome of a detailed analysis of the threat of serious and organised crime facing the EU, providing information for practitioners, decision-makers and the wider public.




EU co-funded ERASMUS+ programme EPOSM study finds that nearly 20% of people in sports are confronted with (in)direct match-fixing proposals








FIFA President Infantino addresses G20 on tackling corruption in sport, sharing the lessons that the new FIFA has learned through its post-2016 reforms, as well as from the corruption scandal that brought down the previous administration.




INTERPOL has published the first edition of the Sports Corruption Barometer, developed with Abertay University, Scotland, UK. It takes a look at the 2020 trends in competition manipulation, based on the information published in the bi-weekly publications.




The Athletes’ Commission (AC) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) today received the full support of the IOC executive board (EB) for a set of recommendations in regard to rule 50 of the Olympic Charter and athlete expression at the Olympic Games. Rule 50 provides a framework to protect the neutrality of sport and the Olympic Games.



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Copyright *|2021|* *|GLMS|*, All rights reserved.

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