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ESIC Hands Down 12 Month Bans to Three Individuals in Legends of Runeterra Cheating Incident



ESIC received a report from ESL Asia relating to the abnormal progression of particular participants in the ESL Mobile Open Legends of Runeterra (Ladder 2) tournament. The investigation related to a total of five accounts. Three accounts were operated by one individual while the remaining two individuals held an account each.

Upon investigating the evidence provided to ESIC and conducting further enquiries, ESIC determined that the three individuals had colluded to cheat in the ladder-based tournament by engaging in boosting behaviour. Accordingly, ESIC has sanctioned the three individuals with bans of 12 months each. The Legends of Runeterra “LoR” players sanctioned include Le HiepDiaComSuon, and Cuticini.


Purpose of Investigation

ESIC is centrally focused on protecting the integrity of the esports landscape. ESIC believes that an effective integrity framework assesses the veracity of competitive integrity on all levels of esports competition. This comes from ESIC’s firm belief that the competitive integrity of esports is of central importance to the maintenance of its commercial longevity and viability.

Furthermore, as previously stated in various releases; the presence of any form of match-manipulation or corrupt behaviour is of serious concern to the safety of youth who form a considerable proportion of participants in the industry globally. Accordingly, it is imperative that esports stakeholders take an aggressive stance against any form of corruption in competitive integrity.


Summary of outcomes

ESIC undertook a review of the evidence provided by ESL Asia and determined that the behaviours of three participants in engaging in boosting behaviour contravened Article 2.4.4 of the Code of Conduct.

Article 2.4.4 of the Code of Conduct states that is a Level 4 violation of the Code of Conduct to engage in:

“2.4.4 Cheating or attempting to cheat to win a Game or Match.”

By engaging in boosting behaviour, the behaviours of the three participants contravened Article 2.4.4 of the Code of Conduct and constituted a Level 4 offense. Accordingly, each offending participant has been provided with a Notice of Charge detailing their offense and their sanction in the form of a ban for a period of 12 months from the date of their notice.

ESIC’s sanctions which are the subject of this release are summarised below:

  • Sanction against Le Hiep: 12 Month Ban relating to a cheating breach of ESIC’s Code of Conduct.
    • Sanction Start Date: 16 June 2021
    • Sanction End Date: 16 June 2022
  • Sanction against DiaComSuon: 12 Month Ban relating to a cheating breach of ESIC’s Code of Conduct.
    • Sanction Start Date: 16 June 2021
    • Sanction End Date: 16 June 2022
  • Sanction against Cuticini: 12 Month Ban relating to a cheating breach of ESIC’s Code of Conduct.
    • Sanction Start Date: 16 June 2021
    • Sanction End Date: 16 June 2022

It is noted that Cuticini operated two fake accounts “MUPBestsolo” and “Tran Huyen” in the perpetration of their cheating behaviour.

Applicability of sanctions issued as a result of the investigation

As per all investigations conducted by ESIC, our determinations have effect across all of our membership. This includes members such as ESL, DreamHack, WePlay, BLAST, LVP, Eden, and many others. ESIC also requests that all non-ESIC member tournament organisers honour these bans.


ESIC would like to acknowledge the work of ESL Asia in assisting ESIC in its investigation in a timely manner, enabling this outcome to be reached.

For any further enquiries relating to this matter, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please see the original release here.

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