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FEI Tribunal issues final decision in equine anti-doping case

FEI Tribunal issues final decision in equine anti-doping case

The FEI Tribunal has issued its final decision in an equine anti-doping case involving a Banned Substance.

In this case, a horse trained by Ignacio Flores (FEI ID 10017687/URU), tested positive for the Banned Substance Testosterone following samples taken at the CEIYJ1*100-Costa Azul (URU), 12-14 May 2023.

In its final decision the FEI Tribunal imposed two-year ineligibility period on the trainer; the provisional suspension he already served shall be credited against the imposed ineligibility period. He was also fined CHF 7,500 and asked to pay costs of CHF 2,000. The results obtained at the event were disqualified in the proceedings against the Person Responsible.

The full Decision is available here

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