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FIFPRO publishes covid-19 recovery recommendations

FIFPRO is today publishing a set of recommendations to rebuild and strengthen the professional football industry during the pandemic, at the same time as protecting jobs, careers and the wellbeing of players.

There should be a unified approach by stakeholders with support from public authorities as football – which is both a social asset and employer in communities - is rocked by the impact of covid-19.

Furthermore, FIFPRO calls for a collective vision to make the game more resilient, transparent and socially diverse. The crisis must be a “catalyst to build on, rather than unwind” the industry’s development, the Covid-19: Recovery and Resistance recommendations say.

Player union should play a key role in mapping the future of the sport on behalf of footballers, with the right full access to the financial accounts of stakeholders when the salaries and jobs of their members are at risk.

With more footballers reporting symptoms of mental health issues, the personal development and wellbeing of players must also be a priority and this area is most effectively overseen by independent player associations.

Jonas Baer-Hoffmann, FIFPRO General Secretary, said: “Because of the fragile situation professional football is in during the pandemic, collective agreements are increasingly important to develop fair and sustainable solutions that account for the needs of the people affected by this crisis.

“As is already happening in some markets, we need constructive dialogue between clubs, leagues, players unions, federations – and where relevant, governments – to support our industry and to build a more resilient future.”

The original article can be found here.

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