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Fifteen ECA Member Clubs receive assistance from the ECA Relief Programme

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The ECA Ukraine Relief Committee has approved applications for financial assistance from fifteen member clubs for projects they are conducting to assist displaced children and families during the ongoing Ukrainian humanitarian crisis.

The ECA Ukraine Relief Committee was set-up to review applications from member clubs who are taking concrete and effective humanitarian actions to provide support and opportunities for the integration and development of those affected by the war in Ukraine. First approved by the ECA Executive Board on 24 March, ECA Chairman Nasser Al-Khelaifi announced that €1 million would be dedicated to the Ukrainian humanitarian crisis from an ECA Relief Fund during his speech on 28 March at the ECA General Assembly in Vienna, Austria.

After approval by ECA’s Ukraine Relief Committee, the fifteen projects were passed to the UEFA Foundation for Children for final validation and transfer of the appropriate donation to each project accordingly. Donations were granted at an amount of between €25,000 and €50,000 per club.

The total value of the donations allocated to the fifteen clubs comes to a combined amount of €680,000, meaning €320,000 from the €1 million allocated fund remains available for distribution. An update will be given at the forthcoming ECA General Assembly in Istanbul, Türkiye, and a second-round call for projects from member clubs is expected to follow soon.

Commenting on the allocation of funds to the fifteen clubs, Dariusz Mioduski, ECA Vice-Chairman and Chairman of the Ukraine Relief Committee, said:

“At ECA we are all extremely concerned by the realities of hardship being suffered by the many refugees fleeing the tragic situation in Ukraine. I am very pleased therefore that our Ukraine Relief Committee was able to approve a total of fifteen projects proposed to us by member clubs who will now receive the requested financial donations.

“This assistance will allow them to continue their good work in supporting displaced Ukrainian children and families, bringing them much needed assistance, human interaction and hope for the future. There is still a substantial amount left in the ECA Relief Fund and we expect a second call for projects from member clubs to be made in the near future.”

The original press release can be found here :

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