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Focus on Gender Equality at The Home of Football

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The launch of a new, exciting resource to promote Gender Equality has seen Social Responsibility managers from around the OFC Member Associations meet in Auckland this week.

The Gender Equality Playbook (GEP), which will be a resource to help football in the Pacific be a truly inclusive part of the community, will be launched on November 16. The OFC SR managers are attending a workshop on Friday, November 11, in anticipation of the launch.

The day will see discussions and learning around the principles that the GEP promotes. The OFC Women’s Football Strategy states that achieving gender equality requires everyone’s involvement, stating that we were “ALL IN” for women’s Football.

The GEP will provide the way to help achieve that goal. Friday’s workshop will cover the Gender Equality Checklist, that is found in the GEP as a guide, and how it can positively change outcomes on and off the field.

The workshop will provide clear, evidence-based steps or “Plays” that can be made to continue our journey. Through communication and understanding, it is hoped that the experience will present a roadmap for addressing some of the biggest challenges the region faces in delivering sport in an equitable way.

Fiji FA Social responsibility manager Filomena Liku said that:

“For me gender equality is very important. That’s one of the objective that we deliver in our program is gender equality. Being out in the field, it’s supposed to come with me, it simply means my voice has been heard.”

Her sentiments were echoed by Paula Hansen of NZ Football, who said:

“It’s so important because if we aren’t treating everybody in our communities the same then then there is bias. We need our young females growing up in an environment where they feel valued, and they are valued. And they know the importance they have in our communities. So, the only way we can achieve that and work towards it, is by having the conversations about gender equality.”

The original press release can be found here :

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