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Football Australia thanks Sport Integrity Australia for finalising independent complaint handling process

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Football Australia expresses its gratitude to Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) for their diligent work and support in finalising all matters related to the Independent Complaint Handling Process (ICHP) involving Football Australia's National Programs.

The ICHP was established by Football Australia in November 2021, in collaboration with SIA to independently receive, assess, and manage complaints relating to Football Australia's National Programs, including the men's and women's National teams, the A-League Men, A-League Women, and A-League Youth.

During the process, SIA received 27 submissions, with the majority of these deemed to be out of scope. Three out-of-scope submissions were referred to law enforcement, while two other submissions proceeded to the investigation phase and have now been finalised.

Of the two cases that underwent investigation, one complaint was withdrawn, and the other was unable to be substantiated. As per clause 3.9(a) of the Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy, all complaints and reports will remain confidential.

Football Australia appreciates the thorough efforts by SIA in addressing these matters, and we acknowledge the invaluable insights gained from each submission.

Together, Football Australia and SIA remain committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, fairness, and professionalism in our sport, ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all participants.

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