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Football Player Receives Sanction

Sport Integrity Australia Logo

Sport Integrity Australia acknowledges the decision of the Football Australia Anti-Doping Tribunal to sanction athlete Joseph Lawless for the presence of a metabolite of a prohibited substance and the use of a prohibited substance.

Mr Lawless returned an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF) from an in-competition doping control test after a Y-League match at Leichhardt Oval on 25 January 2020.

His sample detected the presence of Di-Hydroxy LGD-4033 (metabolite of LGD-4033).

LGD-4033 is prohibited in and out-of-competition under the S1 Class of Anabolic Agents.

The Football Australia Anti-Doping Tribunal imposed a 3½ year ban on Mr Lawless commencing on 25 January 2020.

Mr Lawless will be eligible to return to competition on 25 July 2023.

The original article can be found here.

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