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Footballer Chioma Ubogagu banned for nine months


Football player Chioma Ubogagu has received a nine-month ban from all sport following a first Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) for the presence of a banned substance in a urine sample submitted to UK Anti-Doping (UKAD).

On 7 October 2021, UKAD collected a urine sample from Ms Ubogagu at a squad test for Tottenham Hotspur Women. Analysis of Ms Ubogagu’s urine Sample returned an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF) for Canrenone.

On 1 December 2021, The FA wrote to Ms Ubogagu informing her of the AAF. Ms Ubogagu applied to UKAD for a retroactive Therapeutic Use Exemption (‘TUE’) which was subsequently rejected, and The FA imposed a provisional suspension on 18 January 2022.

The FA proceeded to charge Ms Ubogagu on 17 February 2022 with two ADRVs under the FA Anti-Doping Regulations (FA ADR). Ms Ubogagu was charged with an ADRV contrary to FA ADR Regulation 3, in that a Prohibited Substance was present in a urine sample provided by her on 7 October 2021 and Regulation 4, in that she Used a Prohibited Substance, namely Canrenone, on or before 7 October 2021.

Ms Ubogagu formally admitted the charges but indicated that she wished to make submissions at a hearing regarding the sanction to be imposed. Ms Ubogagu’s case was therefore heard before The FA Regulatory Commission, which imposed a nine-month ban on 20 April 2022 on the basis Ms Ubogagu was found to bear No Significant Fault or Negligence for the ADRVs. The Regulatory Commission concluded that Ms Ubogagu did not deliberately commit an ADRV and noted she was taking Canrenone for a recognised medical condition. However, it also recognised that she took no steps to check if the medication contained banned substances.

Pat Myhill, UKAD Director of Operations said: “Athletes must check all medication they are taking against the WADA Prohibited List. Search GlobalDRO, input the medication you are prescribed, and you get a clear immediate result. Such a simple step can save you making a mistake that can result in a ban from sport.

“Ms Ubogagu’s case shows how easy it is to fall foul of the rules and highlights the serious consequences which follow. It should serve as a warning to all athletes and coaches.”

The period of ineligibility commenced on 18 January 2022 (the date Ms Ubogagu was provisionally suspended).

The original press release can be found here :

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