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Former PGMOL Referee Observer Sanctioned

Former PGMOL Referee Observer Sanctioned

Former PGMOL referee observer, Rodger Gifford, has been suspended from all football and football-related activity for five months, fined £400 and ordered to attend a mandatory face-to-face education programme, for an Aggravated Breach of misconduct.

It was alleged that following the FA Cup second round fixture between Newport County AFC and Barnet FC on Saturday 2 December 2023, his language towards an assistant referee coach was abusive and/or insulting and/or improper, contrary to Rule E3.1. It was further alleged that this is an “Aggravated Breach”, as defined in Rule E3.2, as it includes a reference, whether express or implied, to colour and/or race and/or ethnic origin.

Mr Gifford denied the charge, but an independent Regulatory Commission found it to be proven and imposed the sanctions. The Written Reasons can be found here.

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