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Foundation Board meets and discusses Basketball For Good projects


MIES (Switzerland) – FIBA’s Foundation (IBF) Board met yesterday in a video conference for its third meeting of the 2019 – 2023 term of office to discuss current and future Foundation matters. Board members from 9 countries and across 7 time zones participated.

The Board received an activity report of the first half of 2020, as well as a report on the consequences that the current situation with the COVID 19 virus has for planned activities in the remainder of the year. They also commended the IBF team for their  as well as for keeping Basketball For Good active during the pandemic through .

The Presidents of the IBF Fundraising and Basketball For Good Advisory Committees presented reports on their various activities with fundraising opportunities and potential new projects being discussed.

The draft budget for 2021 was presented in detail and discussed.

IBF President Horacio Muratore stated: "I’m extremely happy with the way the meeting went today. Important discussions took place regarding future projects and I am looking forward to the Foundation growing its Basketball For Good activities throughout the world in 2021".

The original article can be found here.

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