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Good governance central to reforms in Malta


Landmark decisions have been approved at an extraordinary general meeting of the Malta Football Association (MFA) following a wide consultation process undertaken by the MFA over the past year, culminating in the approval of important amendments to the association’s statutes.

Good governance based on rigorous ethical and integrity procedures, on an overhaul of decision-making structures, new dispute resolution procedures and the separation of powers are the focal points of the statute amendments in accordance with the Malta FA strategy launched earlier this year.

The statute amendments are part of the ongoing and overarching reforms that encompass other key areas, such as club licensing and corporate restructuring. This process, led by Malta FA vice-president Matthew Paris, is also aimed at improving transparency and accountability in all sectors of Maltese football.

Key amendments

The amendments, approved unanimously at the extraordinary general meeting, include:

• Term limits for the president and vice-presidents of the Malta Football Association, capped at three terms of four years each.

• Strengthening of accountability and transparency with the introduction of a code of ethics and breach of ethics procedure for elected officials of the association. Furthermore, elected officials must undergo a thorough eligibility check and due diligence exercise.

• In what can be considered a landmark decision in the history of the Malta FA, the bureau, council and executive committee are being abolished and replaced by an executive board comprising 24 elected members to ensure fairer representation. The official bodies representing coaches, players, women’s football, Gozo football, futsal and beach soccer, and youth football will form part of the newly created executive board.

• The annual general meeting is making way for three general assemblies each year, tasked with different roles and specific topics. In addition, force majeure matters are to be decided and determined by the general assembly and may be appealed against before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

• Recognising the crucial contribution of football fans, the SouthEnd Core, the group representing Maltese football fans, has been granted observer status for all general assemblies.

The Malta FA is also stepping up its commitment to increasing the participation of women in all its structures, including the top management bodies.

This article originally appeared in UEFA Direct 195

The original article can be found here.

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