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Hockey Australia to impose a six-month ban on athlete Liam Hart for Use and/or Attempted Use of a Prohibited Method.

Sport Integrity Australia

Sport Integrity Australia acknowledges the decision of the Hockey Australia to impose a six-month ban on athlete Liam Hart for Use and/or Attempted Use of a Prohibited Method.

It was determined that Mr Hart received an Intravenous infusion and/or injection of more than a total of 100mL per 12-hour period.

Under Article 10.2.1 of the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy 2021 (ANADP), the base sanction is four (4) years Ineligibility if Sport Integrity Australia can establish that the Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) was intentional. If Sport Integrity Australia cannot establish that the ADRV was intentional, the base sanction is two (2) years Ineligibility under Article 10.2.2 of the ANADP.

It was determined that the ADRV was not intentional. Mr Hart’s period of Ineligibility was also reduced for No Significant Fault or Negligence (Article 10.6 of the ANADP) and Article 10.7.2 (Admission of an Anti-Doping Rule Violation in the Absence of Other Evidence).

Where multiple grounds for reduction of a sanction have been established under Articles 10.5, 10.6 or 10.7 of the ANADP, pursuant to Article 10.7.3 of the ANADP the period of ineligibility may be reduced or suspended (but not below one-fourth of the otherwise applicable period of ineligibility). Mr Hart’s period of Ineligibility was reduced to six-months.

Mr Hart’s period of Ineligibility commenced from 23 September 2022. He was ineligible to participate in any sports that have adopted a World Anti-Doping Code compliant anti-doping policy until 22 March 2023. He was also not permitted to compete in a non-signatory professional league, or event organised by a non-signatory International or National level event organisation. 

Sport Integrity Australia would like to remind athletes that an IV infusion over 100ml of ANY substance is prohibited.

Athletes can receive infusions or injections if:

  1. the infused/injected substance is not on the Prohibited List and the volume of fluid administered doesn’t exceed 100ml per 12-hour period.
  1. the IV is given:
  1. whilst in a hospital,
  1. during surgery, or
  1. during clinical investigations
  1. Or in cases where the Athlete has a Therapeutic Use Exemption.

Sport Integrity Australia recommends you check all your substances before you take them on the Clean Sport app. For more information visit: Sport Integrity Australia tech.

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