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Honduras Basketball Federation and Special Olympics Latin America creating Basketball For Good Projects


TEGUCIGALPA (Honduras) - In 2018, Carmen Cubas was chosen as the Honduras Mini Basketball delegate to take part in the first Mini Basketball Americas Convention in Mexico. She is the Development Programs and Mini Basketball Manager for the National Basketball Federation of Honduras.

Carmen greatly enjoyed the experience, “I learned about the vision of the International Basketball Foundation and its approaches to Mini Basketball” said Carmen. “I returned to Honduras to create our first program focused on Mini Basketball”.

She was able to build a project, working in communities and linking basketball to social activities for children and youth.

Following the great work done for Mini Basketball in Honduras, Carmen was selected to attend the second Mini Basketball Americas Convention in El Salvador in 2019 to show other National Federations their achievements and what they had accomplished in the past year.

During the FIBA ​​Mini Basketball Convention in El Salvador, the IBF and Special Olympics Latin America presented the , which encourages FIBA member National Federations to join efforts to include Special Olympics children and youth in their basketball programs. Carmen returned to Honduras inspired to commit to Special Olympics.

The National Basketball Federation of Honduras, together with Special Olympics Honduras, joined forces, creating “Basketball For Good Honduras - Choose to Include”.

The program aims to create sports inclusion and offer basketball activities to athletes with intellectual disabilities who are part of the Special Olympics Honduras programs.

For their first activity with the children and youth of Special Olympics, the Honduras National Federation decided to host a Jamboree. 120 boys and girls participated in their first basketball training which focused on exploring the sport for the first time through visual and tactical stimulation. It included exercises, games, music filled with excitement and enthusiasm and lots of high fives!

The original article can be found here.

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