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Introducing the SSI Strategic Plan 2024-2026

Introducing the SSI Strategic Plan 2024-2026

We are thrilled to share a momentous occasion with you – the official launch of the SSI Strategic Plan 2024-2026, aptly titled “Everyone, Everywhere Safe in Sport.

Created by volunteers, partners, stakeholders, trustees, and informed by the SSI2023 Global Safe Sport Conference, this plan is a resounding call to action and a demonstration of our shared commitment to a safer and more inclusive world of sports.

Anne Tiivas, Chair of Safe Sport International:

“I am proud to launch this 2024-26 Strategic Plan. As a global network of experts we call for change in sport systems around the world and greater collaboration between sport stakeholders, public authorities, and civil society organisations to increase safeguarding capacity and provide context specific approaches to safeguarding. Please join with us to help make ‘everyone, everywhere safe in sport’ a reality.”


Key Highlights of the SSI Strategic Plan 2024-2026:

Building upon our rich history and the collective efforts of our global community, we want to see:

  1. Athlete voices embedded within sports organisations to drive trauma-informed, safe and positive experiences for all ages and abilities.
  2. High-quality research and evidence informing policy, practice, education and training in the field.
  3. Inclusion, collaboration and partnerships in safe sport leading to greater cultural awareness, understanding, and systemic change.

Our strategic priorities:

  1. Driving international standards in safe sport that provide safe sport principles and clear safeguarding guidelines for all.
  2. Facilitating global networks and conferences in safe sport and opportunities for sharing experiences, learning, and research.
  3. Developing skilled and supported people in safeguarding through accessible education and consultancy.

We invite you to explore the full details of the SSI Strategic Plan on our website

Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey towards creating a safer and more secure environment for everyone involved in sports. Please support our work as a partner or through a donation.

Together, we possess the power to drive change, foster innovation, and leave a positive legacy for generations of athletes.


Neal Anderson
COO, Safe Sport International

The full report is available here.

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