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IOC EB approves Olympic Qualification System Principles for Paris 2024

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The Executive Board (EB) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) approved today the Qualification System Principles (QSP) for the Olympic Games Paris 2024, outlining the rules for all the qualification systems that will now be established by the International Sports Federations (IFs) for these Games.

Each IF establishes its sport’s qualification rules, procedures and criteria for participation in the Olympic Games, as stipulated in the Bye-law to Rule 40 of the Olympic Charter. Qualification of each athlete is then subject to final selection by each National Olympic Committee (NOC), upon the recommendation of the respective National Federation (NF).

These qualification systems must conform to the QSP released today.

The document includes several principles to ensure that fair and equal opportunities are available for all athletes and teams, and that fundamental values such as universality, gender equality and non-discrimination are upheld, while also ensuring the participation of the world’s best athletes at the Olympic Games.

The QSP provide the basis for the development of the individual qualification system for each of the sports/disciplines on the programme for Paris 2024. The individual systems will set out the exact criteria for qualification and eligibility of athletes and teams, and will be published after they are approved by the IOC EB in early 2022, with the qualification window starting in June 2022.

Across all sports, the qualification systems ensure the participation of all 206 NOCs with a minimum of one man and one woman in their delegation at Paris 2024.

Each qualification system must therefore include a timeline for qualification, taking into account the fact that no qualification period for any sport/discipline may exceed 24 months, and all qualification events must be completed by no later than 23 June 2024.

Paris 2024

Gender equality and youth are at the heart of the Paris 2024 Olympic sports programme, with athlete participation at exactly 50 per cent male and female. Skateboarding, sport climbing surfing will reappear after their successful introduction in Tokyo this summer, together with breaking, which will make its Olympic debut in Paris, building on its success at the Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018. Across all the sports, the qualification systems will ensure that each NOC will participate with a minimum of one man and one woman in their delegation at Paris 2024.

The cost and the complexity of Paris 2024 will be reduced, as a consequence of the exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, the 10,500-athlete quota set for the Games in Paris, including new sports, will lead to an overall reduction in the number of athletes and officials compared to Tokyo 2020.

This is one of the principles included in the QSP, which states that each qualification system must determine the maximum number of athletes per NOC for each event, and must ensure that the overall athlete quota approved by the IOC EB is not exceeded.

The original article can be found here.

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