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Joint statement on behalf of World Rugby, the Rugby Football Union and the Welsh Rugby Union

World Rugby

World Rugby, the Rugby Football Union and Welsh Rugby Union can confirm they have received a letter of claim from solicitors representing certain players and will now take time to consider its contents.

We have been deeply saddened to hear the brave personal accounts from former players.

Rugby is a contact sport and while there is an element of risk to playing any sport, rugby takes player welfare extremely seriously and it continues to be our number one priority. As a result of scientific knowledge improving, rugby has developed its approach to concussion surveillance, education, management and prevention across the whole game.

We have implemented coach, referee and player education and best practice protocols across the game and rugby’s approach to head injury assessments and concussion protocols has been recognised and led to many other team sports adopting our guidance.

We will continue to use medical evidence and research to keep evolving our approach.

As with any potential legal proceedings, it would be inappropriate to comment on the specifics of the letter.

The original article can be found here.

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