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Last quarter of CCES activities focuses on Pre-Olympic and Paralympic athlete preparation

Last quarter of CCES activities focuses on Pre-Olympic and Paralympic athlete preparation
July 28, 2014 – In its fourth quarter, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) focused on doping control for the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics and Paralympics. In the months leading up to the Games, each athlete nominated to Team Canada was tested at least once before heading to Sochi – a key step the CCES undertook as part of its testing plan.
The CCES is pleased to report that based on the pre-Games samples, no anti-doping rule violations were determined on athletes representing Canada. Certain samples collected for anti-doping tests may be kept for eight years as part of the World Anti-Doping Code, allowing further analysis during this time for any banned substances.

The financial contribution we received last November from Sport Canada, the Canadian Olympic Committee and the Canadian Paralympic Committee made it possible for us to test all these athletes before the Games,” said Paul Melia, President and CEO of the CCES. “This was our most robust pre-Games testing program to date and we are very proud of Team Canada’s commitment to clean sport.

The CCES also implemented a comprehensive and intelligence-based approach to its year-round anti-doping program. This work is part of other enhancements being made to the Canadian Anti-Doping Program which is based on testing the right athlete, at the right place and the right time. The enhancements will also support the anti-doping efforts for the Toronto 2015 and Rio 2016 Games along with all Canadian athletes, winter or summer.

During the fall and winter, the CCES worked closely with the Canadian Olympic Committee to ensure athletes could be tested in or out of competition once they were officially named to a roster,” said Melia. “The CCES completed more than 700 urine tests and 103 blood tests between October 2013 and February 2014.

As part of its pre-Sochi anti-doping initiatives, the CCES provided athletes with access to an e-learning module to educate them on all aspects of the anti-doping process.

Training new doping control officers

In February 2014, the CCES held a doping control officer (DCO) training and orientation session. Fifteen new DCOs were recruited to fulfil the requirement for additional personnel for the upcoming Toronto 2015 Pan American and Parapan American Games (TO2015). The CCES now has 75 DCOs strategically located throughout Canada, collecting samples from athletes in and out of competition.

Supplements infographics  

The CCES created an infographic titled “Question Supplements.” It was designed to help athletes learn to question the need for, safety of, and efficacy of nutritional supplements and natural health products. For printable poster or postcard versions of the infographic, visit: 

Doping control program statistics

The CCES conducts testing under the Canadian Anti-Doping Program and provides doping control services for various national and international clients. The following table summarizes our activity during this quarter. Numbers include tests that are planned, coordinated, and/or collected by the CCES.
Doping Control Tests




Canadian Anti-Doping Program




Fee-for-service tests




Fee-for-service activities

The CCES conducted 261 urine and 106 blood tests for various clients, including testing for the World Short Track Championships in Montreal, Quebec.

The International Skating Union signed a new two-year agreement with the CCES for anti-doping services and a three-year agreement with the International Triathlon Union began in January, 2014.

Violations and sanctions

There were two anti-doping rule violations this quarter. A two-year period of ineligibility was imposed on one athlete for tampering with doping control, and a two-month period of ineligibility was imposed on a second athlete for the presence of cannabis. 

Athlete Services statistics

The CCES supports athletes subject to doping control by providing education, processing medical exemptions, and responding to substance inquiries.  The following table summarizes our activity during this quarter. 
Athlete Services


        Q4                        Q4

(2013-14)             (2012-13)

Substance Inquiries

(email/ telephone)

      108                        102

Substance Inquiries

(Global DRO)

 22,093                    17,789

Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) applications processed

        48                         31

Education                                                         (certificates)

   1,759                     1,200

The CCES is an independent, national, not-for profit organization with a responsibility to administer the CADP. We recognize that true sport can make a great difference for individuals, communities and our country. We are committed to working collaboratively to activate a values-based and principle-driven sport system; protecting the integrity of sport from the negative forces of doping and other unethical threats; and advocating for sport that is fair, safe and open to everyone.
Report Doping Hotline: 1-800-710-CCES

For further information, please contact: 
Justin MacNeill
Communications Coordinator
+1 613-521-3340 x3314
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Danielle Côté
Associate Director, External Relations and Communications
+1 613-521-3340 x3307
+1 613-799-9057
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