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Millwall's Head Of Youth Recruitment, Barry Dunn, Suspended For Eight Weeks

Millwall's head of youth recruitment, Barry Dunn, has been suspended from all football and football related activity for eight weeks with immediate effect, fined £525, ordered to attend a mandatory face-to-face education programme and has received a reprimand and warning as to his future conduct, for a breach of misconduct in relation to social media activity. 

It was alleged that he interacted with a social media post that is insulting and/or indecent and/or improper contrary to FA Rule E3.1. 

It was further alleged this activity constitutes an 'aggravated breach', which is defined in FA Rule E3.2, as the post included a reference - whether express or implied - to religion or belief.

Barry Dunn admitted the charge and his sanctions were subsequently imposed by an independent Regulatory Commission following a personal hearing.

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