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New webinar series Clean Sport Connect to start this autumn


Autumn 2022 will see a series of webinars hosted by UK Anti-Doping (UKAD), focusing on key topics within clean sport.

Clean Sport Connect, UKAD’s webinar series is open to all working in sport, including athlete support personnel. The four webinars will run for four consecutive Wednesdays from 21 September 13:00 BST.


The purpose of the webinars is to connect audiences to the key anti-doping areas within UKAD and across the global sector, including the major changes to The 2023 Prohibited List.

UKAD Chief Executive, Jane Rumble said: “Clean Sport Connect promises to be an insightful series of anti-doping webinars. With the release of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s annual Prohibited list, the autumn is a vital time of year for clean sport information. The webinars are designed to provide sports bodies, athletes, and athlete support personnel with easy to access information and resources on anti-doping, helping to ensure everyone is up to date.  

The new format webinar series replaces UKAD’s annual conference, as well as previous one day events including the Clean Sport at the Front Line and the Clean Sport Forum.

Delegates have the flexibility to choose to attend as many of the webinars as they wish. All events are free to attend and hosted online.

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