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NFL COVID-19 Testing Results and Vaccination Rates: Sept. 19-Oct. 2, 2021

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The NFL's COVID-19 testing results for the September 19 – October 2 period are as follows:

  • 16,910 tests were administered to a total of 6,528 players and team personnel; 2,408 players and 4,120 personnel.
  • There were 15 new confirmed positive tests among players and 20 new confirmed positives among personnel. The overall incidence rate is 0.5% for this testing period. 

Unvaccinated individuals are required to test daily. Vaccinated individuals are tested once a week and may volunteer for additional testing. Anyone identified as a high risk contact due to exposure will be tested daily, as appropriate. Early symptom reporting and testing for both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals is key to keeping our clubs and communities safe this season. 

Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 are immediately isolated, not permitted to access club facilities, or have direct contact with players or personnel. Club medical staff are in regular communication with individuals who test positive to monitor symptoms.

  • Unvaccinated individuals must isolate for 10 days away from the club facility.
  • Vaccinated individuals who are asymptomatic may return to the facility once they have received two consecutive negative laboratory PCR tests taken at least 24 hours apart. Vaccinated individuals who are symptomatic must also return two negative tests taken at least 24 hours apart and must be asymptomatic for 48 hours. If vaccinated individuals don't return two consecutive negative tests, they may return after 10 days.

When there are positive cases within the club environment, the Enhanced Mitigation Protocol (EMP) may be used at the discretion of medical experts, similar to the successful approach of the 2020 season. EMP is a targeted tool and includes additional measures such as: daily testing for all players and personnel, required masking, distancing for meals and meetings, shifting of meetings to well-ventilated areas or making all meetings virtual.

The NFL's COVID-19 vaccination rates as of October 7 are as follows:

  • 93.3% of NFL players are vaccinated; nearly 100% of NFL personnel are vaccinated.
  • With such a highly vaccinated population, the NFL environment is not comparable to anywhere else in society. We will continue to work with the NFLPA with the goal of having 100% of players vaccinated.
  • Two-thirds of the league's clubs have an overall vaccination rate of 95% or higher.

Given the prevalence of the COVID-19 infection in communities, positive cases among vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals are expected throughout the 2021 season. As conditions change, so will the NFL-NFLPA protocols to prevent as many cases of COVID-19 as possible and to ensure the health of the players, coaches and personnel.

Total COVID-19 test results for the Monitoring Testing period to-date, August 1 – October 2:

  • During routine monitoring testing from Aug 1 – Oct 2, 69 players and 135 personnel were confirmed positive cases.
  • Approximately 77,000 tests were administered to more than 8,000 players and personnel during the Aug 1 – Oct 2 period.

The original article can be found here.

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