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Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee declared non-compliant with World Anti-Doping Code


Press Release

14th December 2018

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) announces that the Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee is now officially non-compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code (Code).

As communicated on 15 November 2018, following its meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan the day prior, WADA’s Executive Committee (ExCo) agreed to follow the recommendation of the Agency’s independent Compliance Review Committee (CRC)to assert the Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee as non-compliant with the Code due to outstanding non-conformities related to the implementation of its testing program.

Under Article 10.3.1 of the International Standard for Code Compliance by Signatories (ISCCS), the Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee had 21 days following the date of receipt of the formal notice of non-compliance (14 November 2018) to dispute WADA’s assertion of non-compliance, as well as the proposed consequences and/or the reinstatement conditions proposed by the Agency.

As the Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee did not dispute WADA’s assertion of non-compliance nor the consequences of non-compliance and/or the reinstatement conditions proposed by WADA within 21 days from the date of the formal notice, the assertion of non-compliance is deemed admitted. Furthermore, the consequences of non-compliance and the reinstatement conditions proposed by WADA in the formal notice are deemed accepted, and the formal notice is now a final decision.

As decided by WADA’s ExCo, the consequences applied to the present case in accordance with Article 11 and Annex B.3.1 of the ISCCS are the following:

(a) The Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee will lose its WADA Privileges until Reinstatement (see ISCCS Art B.3.1(a)), i.e.:

  1. In accordance with the relevant provisions of WADA’s Statutes, the Nigerian National AntiDoping Committee’s Representatives shall be ineligible to hold any WADA office or any position as a member of any WADA board or committee or other body (including but not limited to membership of WADA’s Foundation Board, the Executive Committee, any Standing Committee, and any other committee).
  2. The Nigerian National AntiDoping Committee shall be ineligible to host any event hosted or organized or co-hosted or co-organized by WADA.
  3. The Nigerian National AntiDoping Committee’s Representatives shall be ineligible to participate in any WADA Independent Observer Program or WADA Outreach Program or other WADA activities.
  4. The Nigerian National AntiDoping Committee shall not receive any WADA funding (either directly or indirectly) relating to the development of specific activities or participation in specific programs.

(b) All of the Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee’s activities related to testing will be subject to Supervision by an Approved Third Party, at the Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee’s expense, including up to six site visits a year, with all costs to be paid in advance (where known) (see ISCCS Art B.3.1 (b)).

(c) Should the outstanding requirements not be satisfied in full by May 2019, all of the Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee’s activities related to testing will be subject to Takeover by an Approved Third Party, at the Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee’s expense, including up to six site visits a year, with all costs to be paid in advance (where known) (see ISCCS Art B.3.1 (b)).

(d) The Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee’s Representatives shall be ineligible to sit as members of the boards or committees or other bodies of any Signatory (or its members) or association of Signatories for a period of one year or until the Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee is reinstated (whichever is longer) (see ISCCS Art B.3.1 (c)).

WADA continues to provide guidance and support to the Nigerian National Anti-Doping Committee to solve its non-conformities.

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