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OFC have taken the pledge to improving safeguarding for all across Oceania

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August 8 marks international Safer Sport Day and OFC are joining International Safeguards for Children in Sport in their aim to raise awareness of safeguarding.

There are eight safeguards that should be in place by any organisation working with children in sport while encouraging organisations to “take the pledge” and commit to improving safeguarding in their organisation.

OFC have taken the pledge and are working with our Member Associations to ensure that football is delivered safely across our region.

This aligns with FIFA and the OFC Statutes toward safeguarding children and protecting human rights within football.

To celebrate Safer Sport Day and enhance safeguarding activity, OFC and our Member Associations will be showing their support through hosting festivals – to promote the delivery of safer sport – and delivering Safeguarding Orientations for staff of the Member Association outlining what Safeguarding is, why it is essential and how to provide adequate safeguards.

OFC also encourages all Member Associations to join us in taking the pledge and commit to improving safeguarding in our organisations.

All involved in football across the region are also encouraged to:

  • Share graphics on social media around Safe Sport Day
  • Create a short video around your safeguarding journey and why’s it’s important
  • Take a photo and post on social media using the hashtag #SafeInSport

OFC General Secretary Franck Castillo said Safe Sport Day is part of the organisation’s commitment to delivering safe sport in the Pacific.

“The campaign serves as our commitment to developing further resources and training for Member Associations to enhance safeguarding activity across all aspects of football on and off the pitch,” he said.

“This is an inclusive approach linked with the OFC Women’s Football Strategy and legacy programme to safeguard girls and women across Oceania.

“We encourage all footballers and staff across the Pacific to get involved in Safe Sport Day.”

Earlier in March, Member Association Presidents, General Secretaries and Social Responsibility Managers from across Oceania attended the FIFA Guardian’s Safeguarding in Football Webinar.

All OFC staff have also now completed the FIFA Guardians Safeguarding foundation certificate. The course it open to all and available here:

The original article can be found here.

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