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Paolo Guerrero and WADA file appeals against the 6-month period of ineligibility imposed on Paolo Gu

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Press Release

13th April 2018

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has registered appeals filed by the Peruvian football player Paolo Guerrero and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) against the decision issued by the FIFA Appeal Committee on 20 December 2017 (the FIFA AC Decision) in which a six-month period of ineligibility was imposed on Paolo Guerrero further to an anti-doping rule violation (presence of Benzoylecgonine metabolites).

Paolo Guerrero requests that the FIFA AC Decision be set aside and that it be replaced by a new decision in which no sanction is imposed on him. WADA, on the other hand, requests that the FIFA AC Decision be set aside and that Mr Guerrero be sanctioned with a period of ineligibility between 1 and 2 years, with any period of provisional suspension or ineligibility already served being credited against the period of ineligibility to be served.

Two arbitration procedures have been opened. With the agreement of the parties, the procedures have been consolidated and referred to the same Panel of arbitrators who will hold a hearing with the parties at the CAS Headquarters in Lausanne on 3 May 2018.

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