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PCC awards $2.3M in grant funds to support anti-doping science

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The Partnership for Clean Competition (PCC), announced today that it awarded five new grants in support of research designed to advance and improve the ability to detect and deter the use of substances and methods prohibited in sport. The new awards mark the largest round of grant funding in the history of the PCC, totalling $2.3 million.
Since 2008, the PCC has awarded more than $10 million in research grants to advance the anti-doping movement. With this round of funding announced, PCC has far exceeded its 2013 funding totals.
“The high quality of scientific work being conducted in anti-doping was evident in the applications we received,” said PCC Executive Director Michael Pearlmutter. “There is a tremendous amount of talent and interest in the anti-doping science movement, and we are pleased to be supporting the work of some of the world’s top scientists in anti-doping.
The recipients of this most recent round of funding, which was approved recently by the PCC Board of Governors, represent five different institutions:
Dr. Jack Henion at Quintiles for his work entitled “Screening for Drugs via LC/MS Analysis of Dried Blood Spots and Dried Plasma Spots.
  • Dr. Benjamin Levine at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center for his work entitled “Safety, Efficacy, and Detection of Xenon Supplementation for Increased Red Cell Mass in Highly Trained Athletes.
  • Dr. Kara Lynch at the University of California, San Francisco for her work entitled “Optimization of High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Identification of Novel Doping Agents and Metabolites.”
  • Dr. Tony Butch at the UCLA Olympic Analytical Laboratory for a Center of Excellence grant.
  • Dr. Daniel Eichner at Sports Medicine Research & Testing Laboratory for a Center of Excellence grant.
The PCC is already accepting applications for grants and fellowships for the second funding round. Pre-applications are due on July 1, with full applications due a month later for those whose pre-applications are accepted. Funding decisions are made within eight weeks and, since 2008, have ranged from $10,000 to more than $400,000, depending on the nature of the research and the funding needed. To learn more about PCC’s research, including how to apply for a grant, please visit

About the Partnership for Clean Competition

The Partnership for Clean Competition is an innovative research collaborative founded in 2008 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity by the United States Olympic Committee, United States Anti-Doping Agency, Major League Baseball and the National Football League. Every day, the PCC acts to protect the integrity of sport and public health by engaging and supporting the world’s top scientists and innovators in high-quality anti-doping research and development. The PCC also facilitates adoption of these methods into the World Anti-Doping Agency-accredited laboratories. The PCC aspires to help generate the world’s most influential, effective and coveted methods and resources for detecting and deterring the use of performance enhancing substances by all athletes in all sports at all levels. Through this work, the PCC demonstrates the value of science, collaboration and innovation related to doping control in sport and ensures the benefits of sport participation. For more information, visit

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