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Public Statement on Disciplinary Action Against Participant Flynn “Deluxe” Smith

Public Statement on Disciplinary Action Against Participant Flynn “Deluxe” Smith

The Esports Integrity Commission (ESIC) is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and fair play within the esports industry. In the interest of transparency and public confidence, we are issuing this statement to inform the public about a recent disciplinary action taken against a participant in an esports event.

Overview of the Case

During the a match played on 24th February, esports participant Flynn “Deluxe” Smith was alleged to have engaged in corrupt behavior, which contravened the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code. As part of our commitment to ensuring integrity in esports, ESIC initiated an investigation into the matter. Due to intervening factors, ESIC could not make a public statement on the matter until this point in time.

Investigation and Charges

Our comprehensive investigation into the matter involved examining match footage, reviewing betting patterns, and conducting interviews with relevant parties. While we must maintain confidentiality to protect the integrity of the investigation, we can share that the evidence collected pointed to Mr. Smith’s involvement in activities that contravened articles 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 of the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code. These activities include improper influence on match outcomes and involvement in corrupt betting practices. The gathered information was subsequently presented to Mr. Smith in a Notice of Charge.

Resolution and Sanction

After reviewing the charges and evidence, Flynn “Deluxe” Smith accepted the charges and agreed to a plea bargain arrangement. Consequently, he is subject to a two-year ban from participating in any capacity in events organized by ESIC Members. The ban is effective from 4th April 2023 until midnight 3rd April 2025.

ESIC’s Commitment to Integrity

ESIC remains steadfast in our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of integrity in esports. We will continue to conduct investigations and impose sanctions when necessary to protect the integrity of the industry. We also encourage the esports community to actively participate in promoting fair play and integrity in esports.


We appreciate the esports industry’s support in maintaining the integrity of the industry and fostering a fair, competitive environment for all participants. If you have any inquiries or concerns related to this statement, please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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