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Rugby League player Rob Worrincy banned for three years for Anti-Doping Rule Violation

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) has confirmed that Rugby League player Rob Worrincy has been banned from all sport for a period of three years following first Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) for the Use and Presence of Prohibited Substances in his urine Sample.

On 20 January 2023, UKAD collected an Out-of-Competition urine Sample from Mr Worrincy at a Hunslet RLFC squad training session. Analysis of Mr Worrincy’s urine Sample returned Adverse Analytical Findings (AAFs) for ostarine (enobosarm), ibutamoren and GW1516 Metabolites; GW1516-sulfoxide and GW1516-sulfone.

Ostarine is listed under section 1.2 of the 2023 WADA Prohibited List as an Anabolic Agent. Ibutamoren is listed under section 2.4 of the 2023 WADA Prohibited List as a Peptide Hormone. GW1516 is listed under section 4.4 of the 2023 WADA Prohibited List as a Hormone and Metabolic Modulator. All three substances are prohibited at all times.

On 24 February 2023, UKAD notified Mr Worrincy that he may have committed ADRVs pursuant to Article 2.1 (Presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers in an Athlete’s Sample) and 2.2 (Use or Attempted Use of a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method) of the 2021 UK Anti-Doping Rules (ADR), and provisionally suspended him from that date.

Mr Worrincy responded to UKAD’s Notice on 01 March 2023 admitting the ADRVs, indicating that he had used a supplement that contained the Prohibited Substances found in his Sample.

UKAD charged Mr Worrincy with both ADRVs on 24 March 2023, which Mr Worrincy promptly accepted.

In accordance with ADR Article 10.8.1, Mr Worrincy was able to reduce the asserted four-year period of Ineligibility to three years, after admitting the violations and accepting the asserted period of Ineligibility within twenty days of the Charge Letter

Mr Worrincy’s ban from all WADA Code-compliant sport commenced on 24 February 2023 and will expire at midnight on 23 February 2026.

Speaking on the case, Hamish Coffey, UKAD’s Director of Operations said: “Athletes who violate the Anti-Doping Rules face a ban from sport. It is important that all athletes follow the Anti-Doping Rules and understand the risks associated with using supplements.”

The Rugby Football League added: “We support UKAD in their determination to ensure that sport is clean, and therefore in their testing programme in and out of competition, of part-time as well as full-time players. This is another example of how strict liability places responsibility on all athletes in these matters, and the serious repercussions of a positive test.”

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