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Rugby Player Receives Sanction

Rugby Player Receives Sanction

Sport Integrity Australia acknowledges the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) to uphold the decision rendered by the World Rugby Independent Judicial Committee and impose a four-year ban on athlete Kristian Jensen for the Presence of a Prohibited Substance and Use of a Prohibited Substance.

Mr Jensen returned an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF) from an Out-of-Competition doping control test on 28 November 2021 in Dubai (UAE). At the time, Mr Jensen was in Dubai to compete in the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series with the Australian Men’s Rugby Sevens team.

Mr Jensen’s sample was analysed at the Laboratoire Suisse d’Analyse du Dopage in Lausanne, Switzerland, and the presence of trifluoro-1-hydroxyethyl-methoxypyrrolidinyl-2-trifluoromethyl-bezonitrile (metabolite of LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)) was detected.

The substance LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is listed under Class S1.2 (Other Anabolic Agents) under the World Anti-Doping Code – International Standard – Prohibited List – 2021 (Prohibited List 2021). The substance LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is a Non-Specified Substance and is prohibited at all times.

Mr Jensen’s four-year ban commenced on 22 December 2021.

Mr Jensen is ineligible to participate in any sports that have adopted a World Anti-Doping Code compliant anti-doping policy until 22 December 2025. He is also not permitted to compete in a non-Signatory professional league, or Event organised by a non-Signatory International Event organisation or a non-Signatory national-level Event organisation.

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