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Rugby union player banned for two years


Press Release

10th September 2018

By a decision of the National Anti-Doping Panel, rugby union player Tyrell Wilson has been suspended from all sport for a period of two years following an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV).

Mr Wilson tested positive for the presence of the prohibited substance methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), following an In-Competition test on 13 January 2018, after a match between Newton Stewart RFC and Haddington RFC.

Mr Wilson was charged with an ADRV pursuant to Article 21.2.1 of World Rugby’s Anti-Doping Rules – “Presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers in a Player’s Sample”.

UKAD’s Director of Operations, Pat Myhill, said: “While some recreational drugs may not particularly enhance sporting performance, there are still significant and valid reasons why they are named on WADA’s Prohibited List.

“Regardless of whether or not an athlete is deliberately intending to cheat, they are still solely responsible for any substances found in their system.

The period of ineligibility shall apply from the date of sample collection (13 January 2018) until midnight on 12 January 2020.

To read the full judgement, please click here.

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