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Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) / European Olympic Committees (EOC) - Tribunal Arbitral du Sport / Court of Arbitration for Sport


Press Release

11th March 2022

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has registered the appeal filed by the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) against the decision taken on 2 March 2022 by the Executive Committee of the European Olympic Committees (EOC) not to allow Russian and Belarus athletes and officials to participate in the 2022 Winter European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) to be held in Vuokatti, Finland, on 20-25 March 2022 (the Challenged Decision).

The ROC requests CAS to set aside the Challenged Decision and order that athletes and officials affiliated to the ROC be entitled to take part in all competitions organised by the EOC, including the 2022 Winter European Youth Olympic Festival and the 2022 Summer European Youth Olympic Festival, under the same conditions as athletes and officials affiliated to other national olympic committees.

The CAS Court Office has initiated an arbitration procedure. The parties are currently exchanging written submissions and the panel of arbitrators is being constituted. A request for provisional measures has not been filed. A procedural calendar will be established within the next days. Further information, once available, will be provided through another media release.

 The original publication can be found here.

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