Safe Sport Day, marked on 8 August, is an opportunity to reflect on and raise awareness of athlete safeguarding globally.

As part of Trinbago 2023, a series of Athlete Impact Labs are being run for all competing athletes, to equip them with the skills, understanding and confidence to speak out on their rights in sport. 

Katie Sadleir, CEO, Commonwealth Games Federation said: “The Commonwealth Games Federation is committed to providing a safe sport environment at all levels.

"We have worked extensively with leading experts to create our safeguarding policy, which is a framework to protect all individuals connected with the Commonwealth Games Federation.

"The lead up to the Commonwealth Youth Games has been a fantastic example of joint collaboration between a variety of stakeholders to ensure there is safe sport associated with our Games.”

During the Games, nine student journalists from Trinidad and Tobago are capturing video content from athletes to discover what safe sport means to them, which will be shared on the International Safeguards for Children in Sport social media accounts. The initiative is being delivered by the Commonwealth Youth Sport for Development and Peace Network, supported by UNICEF UK.

UNICEF Coordinator of the International Safeguards, Liz Twyford, said: “On Safe Sport Day, the International Safeguards for Children in Sport, and all our members around the world, stand united in our vision: every child, everywhere, safe in sport.

"We believe that when the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of young athletes is safeguarded, sport has a unique ability to inspire and empower.”

To learn more about #TeamSafeSport Day, please visit