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Safeguarding Sport is the Key Challenge

Sport Integrity Australia

Triathlon Australia’s new National Integrity Manager Chris Cunningham believes one of the key challenges ahead for sport is safeguarding.


Chris, who has extensive experience in building participation for both Cricket Victoria and Triathlon NSW, joined Triathlon Australia four weeks ago as their National Integrity Manager.

He expects there to be “massive similarities across all sports and slight nuances” but “safeguarding is a key challenge across all sport”.


All sports are trying to keep sport safe and fair, a place where people can come and feel safe and where the competition is fair,” he said.


My role with Triathlon Australia is to work through the different sections of the National Integrity Framework and further embed the Framework across our organisation and community.”


This week he met with Sport Integrity Australia’s Sport Partnerships, Testing, Safeguarding, Education, Athlete Services, Complaints, and Sports Wagering teams to gain insights into our work and how we can learn from each other.


Everyone at Sport Integrity Australia has been very helpful, very insightful,” he said.

It’s great to know that there’s an extensive support network with increasing safeguarding support against all safeguarding threats.”


He said he was looking forward to also working with other national integrity managers.


I’ve heard great things about it [the National Integrity Manager Network] and look forward to the next NIM workshop,” he said. “Sharing experiences, sharing resources and learning off what other sports are doing is absolutely key.”


Chris said sport offered life lessons, friendship groups, travel opportunities and health and wellbeing.


I don’t know what I would do without sport,” he said.


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