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Sport Integrity Australia announce Corporate Plan 2021-2025

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Australia is a nation of sports lovers. Sport plays an important role in Australia’s culture. Our love of sport is reflected in the large numbers of people who play and participate in sport, attend sporting events or passionately watch their teams on television.

Sport is open to people of all ages, gender, race, class and background. It breaks down barriers, prejudices and celebrates diversity. Participation in sporting activities improves the health and wellbeing of Australians.

Sporting success, particularly on the world stage, contributes towards our distinct national identity. As a nation we admire our sporting legends; they are our national heroes and much-loved Australian icons. We also love to encourage the success of our next rising stars.

When it comes to values, Australians look for integrity and honesty in their sporting heroes. Sport is an integral part of our social fabric and it is vital that we protect its integrity.

All involved in sport have the right to participate in a fair and safe environment.

We must protect sport together. Australia is leading the effort to address broad integrity threats to sport. Sport Integrity Australia is the single point of reference for all sports integrity matters. We effectively coordinate the response on behalf of government and sports to address all existing and emerging integrity issues in sport. This is achieved through our work with valued partners and we will continue to work with them to collectively strengthen Australian sport. Sport Integrity Australia provides support, advice, structure and resources to identifying and addressing threats to sports. Our work is informed by sports and athletes and we will continue to learn from the valuable insights they provide into the challenges they face. We will continue to build trust and capability and align our contribution to assist sports to meet their challenges.

We will help build resilience for sports through providing structured programs to standardise and enable fair and safe sporting environments. We will support sports with the implementation of the National Integrity Framework, which will importantly then allow avenues for an independent management of complaints, offering an impartial process for all sports and athletes to rely on.

We will continue to engage with athletes and support personnel to provide the tools to influence positive decision-making through education and prevention programs to all levels of sport, from elite competition right through to the grassroots level of sport.

We will coordinate the national response to sports integrity threats through key partnerships with Australian and global law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

We will also continue to collaborate with industry partners and lead the coordinated approach in the development of the Australian Sports Wagering Scheme.

We will work with our international partners to identify and act on the manipulation of competitions in Australia and globally. We will assist the government to enact and implement national match-fixing laws to deliver a nationally consistent approach to addressing corrupt behaviour.

We will implement the requirements of the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code and we will deliver an informed anti-doping program encompassing testing, engagement, education, deterrence, detection and enforcement activities.

We will work with National Sporting Organisations to implement the Safeguarding in Sport Continuous Improvement Program, which will aid sport in embedding a comprehensive culture of child safety and member protection.

At Sport Integrity Australia we believe the positive impact sport has on Australians is worth protecting. We will continue to work hard on providing safe and fair sport for all.

Corporate Plan 2021-2025

The original article can be found here.

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