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ST 13/18 DFSNZ v Kael McEnteer

Sports Tribunal of New Zealand

Press Release

12th October 2018

The Sports Tribunal has suspended Kael McEnteer, a rugby league player for the Victoria Hunters, for a period of two years for his online purchase of clenbuterol from the online website in November 2014.

This is another case arising from Medsafe’s investigation into an online steroid supplier called NZ Clenbuterol, which passed data to Drug Free Sport New Zealand (DFSNZ) relating to athletes who had purchased prohibited drugs online.

Mr McEnteer was provisionally suspended without opposition on 14 September 2018. He admitted the violation, but said he purchased the product in the off-season to lose weight, not to enhance his sports performance. Mr McEnteer said he thought clenbuterol was a supplement product and was not aware it was a prohibited substance under the Sports AntiDoping Rules.

On 10 October 2018, the parties filed a joint memorandum proposing an appropriate sanction, based on relevant factors including the previous cases determined by the Tribunal. The presumptive two year period of ineligibility applied, and Mr McEnteer did not seek to further reduce the period of ineligibility. As with previous cases, it was proposed the period of commencement should be backdated, given his timely admission and some allowance for the investigation delays.

Having considered all available material, the Tribunal imposed a two year sanction period backdated by 12 months to commence from 14 September 2017.


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