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Testing numbers rise for the year in UKAD’s final testing report 2022/23

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) has released its latest quarterly testing report covering January to March 2023. This report includes the total tests conducted by UKAD in the Financial Year 2022/23.

UKAD conducted 2,771 tests between January and March 2023 (quarter four), an increase of 418 on October to December 2022 (quarter three). In 2022/23, UKAD conducted 9,294 tests, an increase of 353 tests on the previous year (2021/22).

The most tested sports in quarter four were football, rugby league, rugby union, athletics, cycling and boxing.

Hamish Coffey, UKAD’s Director of Operations, said:

I am pleased to see an increase in tests year-on-year since the Covid Pandemic. UKAD continues to focus its efforts on delivering a robust risk-based, intelligence-led testing programme that seeks to both detect and deter doping. Last year, our Testing programme was delivered against the backdrop of a busy sporting schedule, with the UK host to the Commonwealth Games and the Rugby League World Cup.

The Testing Programme is supported by a dedicated and experienced team of Doping Control Personnel, who test athletes with no advanced notice, both in and out of competition.”

UKAD’s comprehensive testing programme is delivered across more than 40 sports. Alongside education and investigations, the testing programme is a vital tool in UKAD’s operations, assuring confidence in clean sport and protecting the integrity of sport.


Quarter 4 2022-23



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