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The Algerian Football Federation (FAF) and Union Sportive Medina D'Alger (USM Alger) File an Appeal at The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) Regarding the Shirts of RS Berkane

The Algerian Football Federation (FAF) and Union Sportive Medina D'Alger (USM Alger) File an Appeal at The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) Regarding the Shirts of RS Berkane

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has registered the appeal filed by the Algerian Football Federation (FAF) and Union Sportive Medina d'Alger (USM Alger) (“the Appellants”) against the Confederation of African Football (CAF), the Royal Maroccan Football Federation (FRMF) and Club Renaissance Sportive de Berkane (RS Berkane) (“the Respondents”) against the decision taken by the CAF Appeals Jury dated 21 April 2024 (“the Challenged Decision”). This decision confirmed the earlier decision taken by the CAF Interclubs Committee, which validated the use of RS Berkane's shirts for the 2023/24 CAF Confederation Cup.

Together with their appeal, the Appellants filed an urgent request to immediately suspend the execution of the Challenged Decision. This request was rejected ex parte by the President of the CAS Appeals Arbitration Division on 26 April 2024.

In their appeal on the merits, the Appellants ask CAS to annul the Challenged Decision and to rule that the RS Berkane shirt, which the Appellants consider presents a political message, contravenes the laws of the game, CAF regulations and FIFA rules.

In relation to the arbitration procedure, the parties are currently exchanging written submissions and the arbitral panel that will be decide the matter is being appointed. Once constituted, the arbitral panel will issue instructions for the next phase of the proceedings, including the holding of a hearing.

At this juncture, it is not possible to give any further details on the timetable for this procedure.

Comments (1)

  • Alex Morgan

    • 06 May 2024 at 05:41
    • #

    First of all I feel bad for Algerian that algerian regime put her in front of this accusing berkan team of getting politic involved in sport , detaining a team at the airport for 11 hours what do u call it , second berkan team with a map that they believe there map affect ur sovereignty how pathetic u want to be to make a such claim. Second back in 2023 Algeria hosted CHAN they invited Mandela granson made a political statement add to that how low u will be when the whole stadium were chanting slogans’’ give him banana, Moroccan annal ‘’all this what do u call it now u are whining like little B .
    U should take it , now this is nothing a map in jersey the whole throne of military is shaking, this show u what Morocco ?? has to go through over 50 years , having a map of my country in my jersey concern me how does it affect ur sovereignty, add to that I confiscated there jerseys and went to thrift store got them some T-shit and offered them to berkan team asking telling them to play with it , this show how illiterate and the character of whom we are dealing with those action make me question are those human or alien Algerian suck it up drawing a map in my jersey is not for negotiation so suck it up and move forward, admitting that u are wrong is impossible , so humble urself u aren’t any better than anyone, problem with Morocco Mauritania Mali Niger Burkina fasso Libya Spain France Emirate Saudia Arabia Egypt
    u are friend with Tunisia Iran Syria half of Libya half of Sudan


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