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The CAS Ad Hoc Division does not have jurisdiction to entertain the application of the Bahrain Noc and of Ali Seena Munfaredi

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Press Release

24th August 2018

The ad hoc Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) settled a second dispute related to the 2018 Asian Games.

The National Olympic Committee from Bahrain and the athlete Ali Seena Munfaredi filed each an application, consolidated later, to challenge the decision of the Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF) to prevent Ali Munfaredi from participating in the 2018 Asian Games. The sanction was imposed due to an alleged improper behaviour of the athlete.

This CAS case was submitted to a Panel of arbitrators composed of:
Mr Mohamad Idwan Ganie (Indonesia), President
Ms Yuri Yagi (Japan), arbitrator
Mr Simon Bai (China), arbitrator

The Panel held a hearing with the parties in person and via telephone conference in the evening of 22 August 2018, from 21:00 to 23:30 at the offices of the CAS ad hoc Division in Jakarta.

The CAS Panel noted that the dispute submitted by the Applicants was outside the jurisdiction of the CAS ad hoc Division at the Asian Games and consequently declined its jurisdiction to decide the case on the merits.

The full award with the grounds will be published shortly.

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