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The final countdown to Rio begins as athletes start Clean Games education

The final countdown to Rio begins as athletes start Clean Games education

Press Release

With fewer than 100 days to go before the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, British athletes are starting their final preparations for Rio. A key part of their preparation is undertaking ‘Clean Games’ education sessions as part of their Major Games education programme: Clean Sport, Clean Games, Clean Conscience.

Created by UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) to support the British Olympic Association (BOA) and British Paralympic Association (BPA) in preparing a clean team for Rio, the Major Games education programme has already reached over 600 athletes and athlete support personnel who aim to be in Rio this summer. British wheelchair basketball players were the first athletes to take part in the ‘Clean Games’ session.

Clean Games has been specifically designed for all short-listed athletes hoping to compete in Rio and includes bespoke Games-time specific information, the anti-doping rules, scenarios and information on potential risks athletes may face in Brazil.

At Clean Games sessions athletes will also be introduced to UKAD’s Rio ‘Squeaky’ duck for the first time, as a reward for their engagement in the Major Games programme, reinforcing their commitment to be clean and win clean.

Proudly bearing the phrase “I’m squeaky clean”, Squeaky the duck has become a popular part of UKAD’s athlete engagement ahead of Major Games over the last four years, with bespoke ducks produced for both London 2012 and Glasgow 2014.

Rio Squeaky, who has a green body, blue wings and a yellow beak is set to be a regular feature on social media. Athletes are being encouraged to tweet, Facebook and Instagram pictures of their Rio Squeaky ducks using #Squeaky2016.

In line with the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code, the BOA and BPA have made anti-doping education a compulsory requirement for all athletes and any accredited Athlete Support Personnel. Support staff heading to Rio with the team must complete the Coach Clean or UKAD Accredited Advisor course ahead of the Games.

The BOA, BPA and UKAD have worked in partnership on the Major Games programme since 2015 with the firm commitment and support of the National Governing Bodies to help protect the reputation of British sport.

UKAD Chief Executive Nicole Sapstead said:

Education is a vital part of our primary prevention strategy so by working with the BOA, BPA and the sports, the Major Games education programme will provide Team GB and ParalympicsGB athletes and their support personnel with essential tools and information supporting their preparations for Rio and minimising the risk of inadvertent doping." 

With a global spotlight on anti-doping leading up to the Games, it is imperative that the British public have confidence that Team GB and ParalympicsGB athletes are competing clean.”

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