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The ITA reports that three Ukrainian weightlifters have committed anti-doping rule violations within a period of 12 months

The ITA reports that three Ukrainian weightlifters have committed anti-doping rule violations within a period of 12 months

The International Testing Agency (ITA) confirms that samples it collected out-of-competition (OOC) on 27 October 2022 from Ukrainian weightlifters Ruslan Kozhakin and Bohdan Taranenko returned an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF)[1] for the presence of the prohibited substance trimetazidine, a non-specified prohibited substance, according to the prohibited list of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Following the results management process, the ITA submitted the matters for adjudication to the Anti-Doping Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS ADD). On 24 May 2024, CAS ADD issued its final decision confirming that the athletes had committed Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) and sanctioned Ruslan Kozhakin and Bohdan Taranenko each with a period of ineligibility of 48 months from 2 December 2022 and a disqualification of their competitive results from 27 October 2022 onwards. The athletes have also been granted a 6-month credit for providing Substantial Assistance[2] to the Ukrainian National Anti-Doping Organization.

Additionally, an OOC sample collected by the ITA from Alina Marushchak on 10 March 2023 returned an AAF for the presence of the prohibited substance hydrochlorothiazide, a specified prohibited substance, according to the prohibited list.

The case was resolved via an agreement on consequences pursuant to article 8.3.1 of the anti-doping rules of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF ADR, and the equivalent provision in the World Anti-Doping Code). The athlete accepted a period of ineligibility of two years from 13 April 2023 and the disqualification of all competitive results from 10 March 2023 onwards.

Given that the three athletes from the Ukrainian Weightlifting Federation have committed ADRVs within a 12-month period, this has triggered the Article 12.3[3] of the IWF ADR and provisions of the IWF Olympic Qualification System (OQS). As a result, the matter will now be submitted to IWF’s Independent Member Federation Sanctioning Panel to impose appropriate consequences.

No further comments will be made on this case.

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