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The RFEF launches a campaign to raise awareness against racism and establishes different actions in matches under its jurisdiction

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“Racistas, fuera del fútbol” (Racists, out of football), the slogan for actions that include banners and symbolic gestures in matches of different categories

The Royal Spanish Football Federation launches from today a campaign, under the slogan Racistas, fuera del fútbol” (Racists, out of football) with which it intends to eradicate racist and xenophobic attitudes from the football pitches, making the fans aware that insults or discriminatory attitudes for any reason are not tolerable.

The campaign “Racistas, fuera del fútbol” (Racists, out of football) includes a symbol that shows a hand making the sign "stop" within a circle of colors that want to represent the diversity of our country. This symbol is designed to be permanent, to represent the struggle of the RFEF and the whole of Spanish football in defense of equal treatment and non-discrimination, and for the eradication of attitudes contrary to these values.

It will kick off at the Copa de la Reina

The campaign, whose terms are set out in Circular 125 of the 2022-2023 season, will start today, in the first of the semifinals of the Copa de SM la Reina to be played at the Estadio Municipal Butarque, in Leganés. They will continue until the end of the season in those state competitions of First, Second Division, Queen's Cup, First Federation, Second Federation, Third Federation and in the First and Second Division of Men's and Women's Indoor Football.

Specifically, the actions established within this campaign include that, before the start of the match, a tarpaulin will be placed on the pitch with the message "Racists, out of football" which - once the protocol for the departure of teams has been carried out - will be held by the players of both teams and the referees.

The RFEF social networks will use the hashtag #RacistasFueraDelFútbol; and the National Professional Football League is urged to carry out the necessary collaboration to include the aforementioned hashtag in the television broadcasting of all First and Second Division matches.

MORE INFORMATION: The RFEF invites the regional federations to participate in the "Racistas, fuera del fútbol” (Racists, out of football) campaign

In addition, the RFEF will coordinate actions in non-professional and grassroots football, in which the Territorial Federations will play an important role. Among them, players are called upon to symbolize with the gesture of the outstretched hand, as a symbol of "stop", their wish that racist and xenophobic attitudes are totally eradicated from football.

Appeal to all football fans

According to the RFEF, the slogan and symbol have a dual target audience: on the one hand, people who engage in racist and xenophobic behavior, which is "a form of violence that cannot be tolerated in football or in society as a whole"; and, on the other hand, all football fans. "Anyone who witnesses a racist attitude, which encourages discrimination or inculcates violent behavior, can and should publicly condemn them and denounce them if necessary, so that together we can put an end to a problem that damages the image of all Spanish football," says the RFEF.

The actions to be carried out are described in the aforementioned circular 125, which states that the RFEF's statutory principles and objectives include "ensuring that all types of actions are carried out with the aim of preventing, controlling and eradicating any kind of discrimination, violence, racism, xenophobia, intolerance, discrimination of any kind, especially those that may be based on sexual orientation". For this reason, the RFEF requests the maximum collaboration of all football bodies to articulate the necessary mechanisms to make effective the proposed measures and the development of this campaign.

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