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The RFEF to submit to the Management Committee forensic audit

The RFEF to submit to the Management Committee forensic audit

All doubts that may arise from irregular conduct and decisions will be clarified through the audit.

The RFEF distances itself from the actions of its former president and all those who may be involved and wishes to reiterate that this institution is more important than its figureheads.

The Royal Spanish Football Federation will submit to the Management Committee calls for the implementation of a forensic audit on any type of contract that may be under suspicion due to the actions of its former president, Luis Rubiales.

The RFEF wants to show its total disapproval of any such irregular conduct and actions of its former president and all those who may be involved, as well as stressing that the institution is bigger than any one of its leaders.

Likewise, the RFEF, which is involved in the case, will demand accountability from those responsible for sending the documentation required by the courts, if it is confirmed that they failed to comply with their obligations. In addition, it will also examine any other culpability that may arise from irregular conduct or decisions.

The Federation is a fundamental institution of Spanish football, the home of the national teams and made up of professionals who carry out their work efficiently and who, together, seek to watch over the progress of this sport with great responsibility and effort. For this reason, the reputation of the Federation should not be linked to conduct of one individual or individuals , especially those who have allegedly engaged in unwanted, if not illegal, conduct.

This is exactly what the president of the management committee, Pedro Rocha, expressed, considering it "essential to separate and disassociate the institution from the allegedly criminal conduct" of individuals, assuring, moreover, that "we will stop at nothing to purge any existing questionable conduct".

During the last six months, every effort has been made to achieve this stabilisation and to turn the page following the crisis that has arisen, working to get people talking about football again.

The RFEF is aware of the importance of the current situation, only months away from a European Championship, the Olympic Games and the presentation of the bid to host the World Cup. For this reason, the stability of this institution is guaranteed before FIFA, UEFA, the CSD and all the fans of Spanish football. Our game is much more than its former presidents or leaders, and this is what we want to convey to the public.

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