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The time we’ve spent with Singapore Sport has been invaluable

Sport Integrity Australia

Members of Singapore Sport and the Singapore Sport Institute visited our office this week to share ideas and learn from each other.


The delegation, comprising staff who support the national sports associations in Singapore in many aspects of their operations including governance structures and high-performance planning, was in Australia as part of a larger study trip visiting several key sporting bodies including Sport Integrity Australia.


Their focus was on hearing about Sport Integrity Australia’s complaints processes and talking to our Safeguarding team to learn more about our member protection and safeguarding models.

Sport Integrity Australia staff had the opportunity to attend a presentation from the delegation which covered the history of sport in Singapore, understanding their organisation, the aim of their Vision 2030 campaign, the importance of sport and the challenges of embedding sport within their culture.


Their team was made up of Todd Vladich (Head of National Sport Association Capability Development), Syed Ahmad, Shirley Cai and Agathiyan B (from their National Sport Association Partnership Development) and Shao-ing Wang (Team Lead for Safe Sport).



Members of Singapore Sport and the Singapore Sport Institute with Sport Integrity Australia staff.


Discussions were valuable with many similarities identified and important learnings to share

The time we’ve spent with Singapore Sport has been invaluable,” Sport Integrity Australia’s Head of International Relations, Strategic Policy and Intelligence, Darren Mullaly said. “We have a longstanding relationship with the Singapore Anti-Doping Organisation, so it’s been great to establish greater links within the broader integrity space to talk about what we’re all doing in terms of safeguarding.”


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