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The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) publishes 2017 Prohibited List

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) publishes 2017 Prohibited List

Press Release

This article is written in English with a French translation underneath.

29 September 2016 - Today, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) publishes the 2017 List of Prohibited Substances and Methods; along with, the 2017 Summary of Major Modifications and Explanatory Notes. The List - which designates what substances and methods are prohibited both in- and out-of-competition, and which substances are banned in particular sports - was approved by the Executive Committee on 21 September and comes into force on 1 January 2017.
WADA is pleased to publish the 2017 Prohibited List, which is one of five International Standards that are mandatory for all signatories of the World Anti-Doping Code (Code) to follow,” said WADA President, Sir Craig Reedie. “All athletes around the world are held to these standards and there can be no tolerance for people who intentionally break the rules,” Reedie continued. “Updated annually, the List is released three months ahead of taking effect so that all stakeholders – in particular athletes and their entourage -- have ample time to familiarize themselves with the List and its modifications,” he said.
The Prohibited List follows a very extensive stakeholder review process over the course of nine months,” said Director General, Olivier Niggli. “In reviewing the List, experts examine such sources as: scientific and medical research; trends; and, intelligence gathered from law enforcement and pharmaceutical companies in order to stay ahead of those that wish to cheat,” Niggli continued. “It is vital that all athletes take the necessary time to consult the List; and that, they contact their respective anti-doping organizations (ADOs) if they have any doubts as to the status of a substance or method,” said Niggli.
The List’s annual revision process is led by WADA, beginning with an initial meeting in January and concluding with the publication of the List by 1 October. This is an extensive nine-month consultation process which includes gathering information, circulating a draft list, stakeholder submissions, committee recommendations and the approval of the List by WADA’s Executive Committee during its September meeting.
It should be noted that, for athletes who have a legitimate medical reason for using a prohibited substance or method that is on the List, they can be accommodated via the International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE), which has overwhelming acceptance from athletes, physicians and anti-doping stakeholders worldwide.
To view the changes made to the 2017 Prohibited List, please see the 2017 Summary of Major Modifications and Explanatory Notes.

Languages and Formats

As of today, the 2017 Prohibited List, the Summary of Modifications, and the 2017 Monitoring Programare available for download on WADA’s website in English. The French and Spanish will follow shortly. 

Stakeholders wishing to translate the List into other languages are kindly asked to signal their interest at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by 23 October.
As has been the case in past years, the List will be made available as an iPhone app and on other mobile devices effective 1 January 2017.



Substances and methods prohibited at all times (In- and Out-of-Competition)

Prohibited Substances


  • Compounds boldenone, boldione, 19-norandrostenedione, and nandrolone have been transferred and 19-norandrostenediol added to the S1.b section because they can be produced endogenously at low concentrations. This change does not affect the prohibited status of these substances. The interpretation and reporting of findings for these substances is addressed in specific Technical Documents (TD2016IRMS and/or TD2016NA).
  • 5α-androst-2-ene-17-one, commonly known as “Delta-2” or 2-androstenone, was added as an example of metabolite of DHEA, more recently found in dietary supplements.


  • To extend the scope of Erythropoietic Stimulating Agents, GATA inhibitors (e.g. K-11706) and Transforming Growth Factor- β (TGF-β) inhibitors (e.g. sotatercept, luspatercept) were added.
  • The International Nonproprietary Name (INN) of FG-4592, roxadustat, was added.
  • Molidustat was added as another example of HIF stabilizer.
  • Cobalt: It is re-iterated that vitamin B12, which contains cobalt, is not prohibited. 


  • The reference to isomers was simplified.
  • Examples of selective and non-selective beta-2-agonists were added (fenoterol, formoterol, higenamine, indacaterol, olodaterol, procaterol, reproterol, salbutamol, salmeterol, terbutaline, vilanterol).
  • Higenamine is documented to be a constituent of the plant Tinospora crispa, which can be found in some dietary supplements and is a non-selective beta-2-agonist.
  • Dosing parameters of salbutamol were refined to make it clear that the full 24 hour dose should not be administered at one time.
  • The maximum dosage for salmeterol was stated according to the manufacturers’ recommendations.
  • Studies are ongoing to establish an appropriate urinary threshold concentration for inhaled salmeterol. At present, the Technical Document TD2015MRPL recommends not to report salmeterol below 10 ng/mL.


  • Androsta-3,5-diene-7,17-dione (arimistane) was added as a new example of aromatase inhibitor.

Prohibited Methods


  • Supplemental oxygen administered by inhalation, but not intravenously, is permitted. To clarify this, M1.2 now reads “excluding supplemental oxygen by inhalation”. 

Substances and Methods Prohibited In-Competition


  • Lisdexamfetamine was added to S6.a; it is an inactive pro-drug of amfetamine.
  • In the absence of an INN for methylhexaneamine, its International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) name, 4-methylhexan-2-amine, was added. A number of other synonyms exist for methylhexaneamine including: 1,3-dimethylamylamine, dimethylpentylamine; methylhexamine; methylhexanamine; 1,3-dimethylpentylamine.
  • Regular food consumption will not yield sufficient levels of phenylethylamine to result in an Adverse Analytical Finding.


  • Nicomorphine was added. It is an opioid analgesic drug, which is converted to morphine following administration.


  • After consideration of stakeholders’ comments, no changes were made in this section for 2017.

Monitoring Program

The following were added to establish patterns of use:

  • Codeine;
  • Concurrent use of multiple beta-2-agonists.



29 septembre 2016 - Aujourd’hui, l’Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA) publie la Liste des substances et méthodes interdites 2017, ainsi que le Résumé des principales modifications et les notes explicatives de 2017. La Liste, sur laquelle figurent les substances et les méthodes qui sont interdites en compétition et hors compétition, ainsi que les substances qui sont bannies dans certains sports en particulier, a été approuvée par le Comité exécutif le 21 septembre et entrera en vigueur le 1er janvier 2017.

« L’AMA a le plaisir de publier la Liste des interdictions 2017, déclare Sir Craig Reedie, président de l’AMA. C’est l’un des cinq Standards internationaux que l’ensemble des signataires du Code mondial antidopage (le « Code ») sont tenus de respecter. Tous les sportifs partout dans le monde se doivent de se conformer à ces règles, et il n’y aura aucune tolérance à l’égard des personnes qui les enfreignent de façon intentionnelle. Mise à jour annuellement, la Liste est publiée trois mois avant sa date de prise d’effet afin que tous les partenaires – en particulier les sportifs et les membres de leur entourage – aient suffisamment de temps pour se familiariser avec le document et les modifications qui y ont été apportées. » 

« La Liste des interdictions, affirme Olivier Niggli, directeur général de l’AMA, fait suite à un processus de révision très rigoureux de neuf mois de la part des partenaires. Les experts qui révisent la Liste prennent en compte diverses sources, dont les études scientifiques et médicales, les tendances et les renseignements obtenus des forces de l’ordre et des entreprises pharmaceutiques, de manière à garder une longueur d’avance sur les tricheurs. Il est primordial que tous les sportifs prennent le temps de consulter la Liste et communiquent avec leurs organisations antidopage (OAD) respectives s’ils ont quelque doute que ce soit sur le statut d’une substance ou d’une méthode. »

Le processus annuel de révision de la Liste est dirigé par l’AMA; il commence par une rencontre initiale en janvier et se conclut avec la publication de la Liste le 1er octobre. Il s’agit d’un exercice de consultation exhaustif de neuf mois, qui comprend la collecte d’informations, la diffusion d’une liste préliminaire, les soumissions des partenaires, les recommandations de comités et l’approbation éventuelle de la Liste par le Comité exécutif de l’AMA lors de sa réunion de septembre. 

Il est à noter que les sportifs qui ont une raison médicale légitime d’utiliser une substance ou une méthode interdite figurant sur la Liste peuvent obtenir une autorisation en vertu du Standard international pour l’utilisation d’usage à des fins thérapeutiques (SIAUT), qui est largement accepté par les sportifs, les médecins et les partenaires du mouvement antidopage à l’échelle mondiale.

Pour voir les modifications apportées à la Liste des interdictions 2017, veuillez lire le Résumé des principales modifications et les notes explicatives de 2017.

Langues et formats

En date d’aujourd’hui, la Liste des interdictions 2017, le Résumé des modifications et le 2017 Programme de surveillance peuvent être téléchargés sur le site Web de l’AMAen version anglaise. Les versions française et espagnole suivront sous peu. . 

Les partenaires souhaitant faire traduire la Liste dans d’autres langues sont invités à écrire à l’adresseThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., d’ici le 23 octobre, pour signifier leur intérêt.

Comme par les années passées, la Liste sera offerte sous forme d’appli iPhone ainsi que sur d’autresappareils mobiles à partir du 1er janvier 2017.

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