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Time Trial Cyclist Shaun Leonard banned from sport for four years


Time Trial Cyclist Shaun Leonard has been banned from all sport for a period of four years following Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) for the Possession and Use or Attempted Use of Prohibited Substances.

On 27 August 2018 Mr Leonard was stopped by Swiss customs at the Swiss/Italian border while travelling to the UCI 2018 Gran Fondo World Championships in Italy, in support of another cyclist. Upon a search of the car Mr Leonard was travelling in, several substances were found and seized by Swiss customs, including the Prohibited Substances testosterone, amiloride, furosemide and clenbuterol.

Mr Leonard was interviewed by Swiss police and confirmed that the substances belonged to him. He was subsequently convicted before the Criminal Court of the Canton of Ticino in Switzerland of a doping-related criminal offence.

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) charged Mr Leonard with the commission of ADRVs for the Possession and Use or Attempted Use of Prohibited Substances, and the case was heard by the independent National Anti-Doping Panel (NADP). Mr Leonard did not attend or otherwise participate in the NADP hearing.

The NADP concluded that UKAD had jurisdiction to bring the case against Mr Leonard and found all charges proved. The NADP therefore imposed a four-year ban, which is deemed to have commenced on 24 June 2020 (the date Mr Leonard was provisionally suspended) and will expire at 23:59 on 23 June 2024.

Mr Leonard’s results from the following races are also disqualified:

  • Weaver Valley CC 25 Mile Time Trial on 8 September 2018
  • East Lancashire RC 10 Mile Time Trial on 27 April 2019
  • West Pennine Road Club 10 Mile Time Trial on 11 May 2019

Speaking on the case, UKAD Chief Executive Jane Rumble said: “The Use or Attempted Use of Prohibited Substances will not be tolerated in sport. We work tirelessly to ensure that athletes can compete knowing they are doing so on a level playing field and are passionate about removing those who cheat from sport.

“Athletes are solely responsible for what they put in their bodies and for knowing the anti-doping rules. If you are competing in a sport and do not follow the rules, then you will face consequences for breaking them. We encourage anyone with any suspicions of potential doping in sport to report their concerns in confidence to UKAD by searching for Protect Your Sport, so that together we can continue to protect clean sport.”

Sue Bowler, Chair of Cycling Time Trials, added: “Cycling Time Trials concurs with the NADP findings in relation to Shaun Leonard and reiterates that all riders are subject to anti-doping rules and regulations which are there to protect the integrity of our sport irrespective of a rider’s experience or ability.”

The original press release can be found here :

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