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To the attention of athletes!

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Information of an advertising nature is being circulated in social media stating that functional nutrition and dietary supplements from various manufacturers have successfully passed RUSADA's anti-doping expertise and are recommended for use.


WARNING: these false messages may carry potential risks of unintentional anti-doping rule violations!


The Russian Anti-Doping Agency does not conduct expert reviews of dietary supplements and does not recommend using them.


The health of athletes remains our priority! Trust only reliable sources of information.

Information of an advertising nature is being circulated in social media stating that functional nutrition and dietary supplements from various manufacturers have successfully passed RUSADA's anti-doping expertise and are recommended for use.


WARNING: these false messages may carry potential risks of unintentional anti-doping rule violations!


The Russian Anti-Doping Agency does not conduct expert reviews of dietary supplements and does not recommend using them.


The health of athletes remains our priority! Trust only reliable sources of information.

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