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Two players banned for anti-doping rule violations

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Mr Stafford was charged with an ADRV of Evading Sample collection in breach of World Rugby Regulation 21.2.3 (Evading, Refusing or Failing to Submit to Sample Collection). He has been banned from all sports for three and a half years, from 16 July 2019 to 15 January 2023.
Mr Kay was charged with an ADRV of Complicity in breach of World Rugby Regulation 21.2.9 (Assisting, encouraging, aiding, abetting, conspiring, covering up or any other type of intentional complicity involving an anti-doping rule violation, attempted anti-doping rule violation or violation of Regulation by another person). Mr Kay has been banned from all sport for two years from 16 July 2019 until 15 July 2021.

RFU Anti-Doping and Illicit Drugs Programme Manager Stephen Watkins said: “All rugby players are subject to the anti-doping rules which are in place to protect players and the integrity of our sport.”

The original article can be found here.

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