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U SPORTS Football Athlete Suspended for Presence of Cannabis



Press Release

27th April 2018

The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) announced today that Jadarius Ceasar, a U SPORTS football athlete affiliated with Saint Mary’s University, received a two-month sanction for an anti-doping rule violation. The athlete’s urine sample, collected during in-competition doping control on November 4, 2017, revealed the presence of cannabis.

The presence of cannabis, classified as a “specified substance” on the Prohibited List, is considered an adverse analytical finding when the urinary concentration exceeds 150 ng/mL. Under the rules of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program (CADP), an athlete facing a first violation involving a “specified substance” can seek to have the sanction reduced. Based on the CCES’s assessment of the athlete's degree of fault, the CCES proposed a two-month period of ineligibility.

In response to the CCES’s notification of the adverse analytical finding, Mr. Ceasar waived his right to a hearing and accepted a sanction of two months ineligibility from sport, which terminates June 9, 2018. During that time, the athlete, who resides in Halifax, NS, is ineligible to participate in any capacity with any sport signatory to the CADP, including training with teammates.

In compliance with rule 7.10 of the CADP, a copy of the CCES’s file outcome summary can be found at

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