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UCI statement on Fabio Taborre and UCI Professional Continental Team Androni Giocattoli-Sidermec

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The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) announces that it has notified Italian rider Fabio Taborre of an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF) of FG-4592 (*) in a sample collected during an out-of-competition test on 16 June 2015.

The rider has the right to request and attend the analysis of the B sample.

In accordance with UCI Anti-doping Rules (UCI ADR), the rider has been provisionally suspended until the adjudication of the affair.

This constitutes the second AAF for a member of the UCI Professional Continental Team

Androni Giocattoli-Sidermec (**) since the beginning of 2015 and within a twelve-month period. Therefore article 7.12.1 UCI ADR providing for the suspension of the Team from 15 to 45 days (***) will be applied.

The UCI will refer the matter to the Disciplinary Commission which will render a decision in the upcoming days. At this stage of the procedure, the UCI will not comment any further on any of these matters.

(*) FG-4592 is a prohibited substance that has the property of stimulating the endogenous production of EPO.

(**) On 30 June 2015, the UCI Professional Continental Team Androni Giocattoli-Sidermec Italian rider Davide Appollonio was notified of an AAF of EPO in a sample collected during an out-of-competition test on 14 June 2015.

(***) Article 7.12.1 UCI ADR which entered into force on 1 January 2015.

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