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UEFA Academy: providing football players with specialised education on and off the pitch


For many elite and professional players, what comes next as they consider the end of their career can be a difficult question to answer.

After so many years excelling in one profession, it is not easy to turn the page and try something else. However, a new page does not mean turning your back on football. That’s where the UEFA Academy's longstanding educational expertise and its range of new player-focused courses comes in.

For the 2021/22 season, the UEFA Academy, along with academic and football partners, has added to its existing offering a series of five new programmes that offer current and former elite players the necessary skills to advance within the game in a wide variety of roles, on and off the field, in addition to the existing highly acclaimed initiatives such as the UEFA Executive Master for International Players (UEFA MIP), the UEFA Certificate in Football Management (UEFA CFM) and the mobile app, UEFA For Players.

From long-term academic programmes to intensive compact courses, on-site or online, the UEFA Academy offers a pathway for male and female players looking to prepare for their second career.

Aleksander Čeferin, UEFA president

"UEFA’s mission has always been to promote and protect the beautiful game throughout Europe. This includes encouraging professional footballers to pursue their education during and after their time on the pitch. Suitable qualifications enable them to start a new career in football after they retire, while exploiting the skills they honed while playing.

"For this reason, UEFA recently developed a broad range of education programmes dedicated to elite football players, leading to jobs in management, administration, scouting or the media, for example.

"We are confident that these initiatives will have a positive impact on players’ future prospects while keeping skilled professionals within the football ecosystem."

The original article can be found here.

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