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UKAD and CGF to spearhead Commonwealth Games Anti-Doping Taskforce


UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) and the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) are heading up the Anti-Doping Taskforce for Birmingham 2022 it has been announced. The Taskforce has been put in place to ensure there is a robust anti-doping programme for the Games and to give public confidence in clean sport.

The new Taskforce builds on the High Integrity Anti-Doping Partnership that was put in place for Gold Coast 2018, utilising multi-stakeholder expertise to prioritise the rights of clean athletes and ensure a zero-tolerance approach to doping.

Testing and education recommendations and resources are set to be released to all Anti-Doping Organisation (ADOs) across the Commonwealth by the Taskforce in the coming months, which will help athletes arrive at the Games educated appropriately and tested.

UKAD, which will be acting as the secretariat for the Taskforce, has been involved in several Taskforces before, including for the Olympic Games and the last Commonwealth Games in the Gold Coast.

The Taskforce will be Co-Chaired by CGF Medical Advisor, Dr Peter Harcourt and Taskforce Manager from UKAD, Pat Hartley. The Birmingham 2022 Organising Committee will help support the Taskforce.

Taskforce Manager from UKAD, Pat Hartley said: “UKAD is delighted to have been asked to lead the Commonwealth Games Anti-Doping Taskforce with the CGF, working to give public confidence in clean sport. This Taskforce will be vital in protecting the integrity of clean sport and ensuring all athletes can compete on a level playing field.

“We are looking forward to the build up to a home Commonwealth Games and collaborating with Anti-Doping Organisations across the Commonwealth to ensure pre-Games testing programmes are meaningful and effective.

“In addition to the testing programmes, education will be a new addition and focus for the Taskforce, which will provide long-term benefits to the Commonwealth Games, beyond Birmingham 2022.”

CGF Medical Advisor and Taskforce Co-Chair Dr Peter Harcourt said: “The Anti-Doping Taskforce will play a critical role in ensuring that Birmingham 2022 is a showcase of world class clean sport. We are thankful for the support and expertise of the Taskforce members without whom this would not be possible.

“The CGF is fully committed to the pursuit of fair play and it is vital that sports fans across the Commonwealth know that what they are witnessing on the field of play is honest, legitimate sport.

“Above all, we are there to support all clean athletes with a zero tolerance to doping so that they can compete fairly on the biggest stage and showcase the very best of Commonwealth Sport.” 

CGF President Dame Louise Martin added: “I am proud that we can today unveil the Anti-Doping Taskforce for Birmingham 2022.

“Working with UKAD and Anti-Doping Organisations across the Commonwealth, our absolute commitment to clean sport at the Games could not be clearer.

“The Taskforce will play a crucial role in protecting the rights of clean athletes and underpinning the CGF values of Humanity, Equality and Destiny.”

The Anti-Doping Taskforce can be contacted via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any queries in the lead up to and during the Commonwealth Games.

Members of the Taskforce:

  • CGF - Dr Peter Harcourt (Co-Chair), Dr Andrew Pipe, Urvasi Naidoo, Dr Aya Nakitanda, Dr Chin Sim Teoh

  • UKAD – Pat Hartley (Co-Chair and Secretariat), Danny Ashworth, David Cox

  • Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) – Michael Harkins, Steve Wyatt

  • Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) – Natasha Danschinko, Sonya Aristone

  • Drug Free Sport New Zealand (DFSNZ) – Hayden Tapper, Lisa Walker

  • Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK) – Sarah Shibutse, Martin Yauma

  • Caribbean Regional Anti-Doping Organisation (CARRADO) – Patrick Weleman, Sasha Sutherland

  • South African Institute for Drug-free Sport (SAIDS) – Fahmy Galant, Elske Schabort

  • Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) – Nancy Sclavo, Raphael Roux

  • World Rugby – Clive Kennington, Ross Blake

The CGF Anti-Doping Rules for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games are approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and are WADA Code 2021 compliant.

The original press release can be found here :

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